Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I purchased my Dolphin Diagnostic four years ago at our local Leslie's. I had a Kreepy Krauly which worked fairly well but, since my pool has only one skimmer inlet, the surface wouldn't get adequately skimmed when the KK was being used (even with the KK skimmer plate which allowed for some skimming while vacuuming). While we don't have many trees in West Texas, any that are shed seem to end up in my pool ;-)
I have been completely satisfied with the Dolphin. In the four years I have owned it I have needed only two repairs -- the first about 2 years ago was done under warranty and required sending the Dolphin to a repair station. This winter my Dolphin stopped moving and I tracked (pun intended) the problem to a worn drive track. I was able to fix this myself after ordering the correct parts.
While not having many trees, West Texas does have a lot of dust and wind. Prior to the Dolphin it was a battle to keep the pool clean but now it remains sparkling. I don't know why the previous two reviewers have had such problems, but mine covers the entire pool without difficulty. You do need to pay attention to the flow in the pool since that can affect the Dolphin's cleaning pattern. I tend to run it at least every other day throughout the year since we don't close our pool for the winter.
I've noticed two fringe benefits to the Dolphin. First, the agitation from the upward stream from the pump (especially when it is at the top of its climb of a wall) helps move surface debris and the skimmer is more effective. Second, since the collection bag microfilters the water, I only have to backwash my filter about one tenth as often as previously. This saves time, work, water, and chemicals.
Four years ago I paid about $850 for the Dolphin. This is my 5th season of use. Amortized at less than $200 per year this has been a great investment for me. My only regret is not having spent the extra money for the model with remote control. Sometimes there is an area - usually at the shallow end - that I want to clean first.
O.K., you do have to clean the bag but that is not much of a chore. I just dump the debris in the trash and then spray the bag with a hose to remove the dirt. Actually, there are disposable bags available and I did purchase some to use in the winter but they are rather expensive so I prefer the bag cleaning route.
I have recommended the Dolphin to friends and I would buy another.
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Product Description:
#DL-2010 - DOLPHINT DIAGNOSTIC MULTI-CLEANING SYSTEM FOR ALL POOLS - Scrubs and vacuums entire pool bottom, walls and waterline - Every unit factory tested for 60 hours in test pools - ISO 9002 certified - Vacuums and filters water - like adding another filter to the pool - Solid-state digital system operates independently of pool pump and filter - Recommended for pool sizes up to 20' x 40' - Automatic shut-off after 6 hours - Self-contained, reusable filter bag - 2 micron - 36 month warranty on motors / one year full warranty - Proven product - over 20 years in the field - 65' self-floating cable (no floats), with UL cord - Water-cooled motors, no oil to leak - Power supply 115VAC-250 Watts in weatherproof casing - 24 volts at unit - Self monitoring - no missed spots - Saves electricity and backwashing costs up to 50% - Saves chemical costs up to 30% UNIT WEIGHT: 21 lbs without cable
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